Friday, March 5, 2010

Nine Months Old

In February Bergen was nine months old. He had a few mile stones I thought we could share. First, he got his third tooth right at nine months and his forth the following week. They are on the top, but not the two middle ones, they are the ones next to what would be the middle ones...yes, kind of like a vampire :) It wasn't until after they had cut through that he woke up several times seeming to be bothered by them.

The last week in January he started pulling himself up on things like the dishwasher and windowsills, but took another 3 weeks to figure out he could also do this in his crib. When I walked into the room this day, I was quite shocked to see him standing there, and looking very proud :) He tolerated a few pictures and then really wanted me to get him out!
When he is supposed to be sleeping, I will often hear him blow a few raspberries before drifting off to sleep. He also does this a lot while playing, and will almost always mimic us if we try to get him to do it. I think it's quite funny, but I am not looking forward to the day he tries it with a mouth full of peas!
It's been a while since I snapped a picture of him sleeping in his bed. He's definitely looking older.
Over the course of last month we happened to find he had climbed up into the cupboards, up and over suitcases, into a laundry basket, and here the dishwasher. Looks like I'm going to have a climber on my hands.
Bergen is still nursing 4 times a day, but they are getting to be pretty short sessions. I almost feel like I'm trying to force him to nurse sometimes. He'd rather be off playing so he tries very hard to climb off. Regular food though, that's another story. Without having much to compare to, I'd say Bergen is a pretty good eater. He likes real bananas, Cheerios, applesauce and pears from a jar, Ritz and graham crackers, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, and green beans from a jar. He also likes gold fish, chicken and rice, pork and beef roast and mashed potatoes (I think he could eat mashed potatoes all day every day if I let him), grilled cheese sandwiches, peas, strawberries, meatloaf, banana bread, yogurt and pancakes to name some off the top of my head. Seems like maybe he's going to be a meat and potatoes kind of guy. He was never a very big fan of the baby food puffs, and has yet to eat a chunk of cheese by itself or tomatoes...much to his displeasure, but we have seems some pretty funny faces over trying them.
"What??? I like blueberries."


Kiera said...

He is so cute! I can't believe how big he is getting!

Anonymous said...

He is growing up so fast! What a cutie.

Dawn said...

He is so cute, I heard that as they get older they learn to just be able to nurse faster and get the same amount of milk. I no doctor so I don't really know. I just know he kinda reminds me of the first time I met you. I know you were like 2 but those eyes! I love and miss you a ton! Much love Dawn

Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

He is darling, I just love him. Sadie's absolute favorite place to climb was on top of the dishwasher door, I am surprised it was never broken.