Friday, March 12, 2010


Last week we had such nice weather we just had to get outside for a bit. Travis was working in the garage, so I brought our lunch out to eat on the lawn. This really was the first time I had put Bergen down on the grass, not knowing how he would react to it.
To my surprise, he wasn't afraid of it at all. He was quite fine to be exploring on the grass.

Us eating our lunch.
"Another cracker please!"
The next day was also beautiful. So we packed up our lunch again and went to the park.
It was a little windier than we were expecting. Hence the crazy hair :)
We are working on trying to get him to fold his arms. It's a hit or miss still, but caught him doing it this time.
"But Daddy, I thought 'earth' was one of the major food groups."
My sweet boy!


Emily said...

Isn't spring wonderful?? Cute pictures!

Please Pass the Green said...

Holy adorable pictures! Cyn, you've got a new energy about you. I love Bergen's faces in the first photos, like he's not too pleased with the taste of grass.