Monday, September 24, 2012

Stories From Mommy's Resting Time

Bergen isn't taking naps every day anymore, which is fine but some days this pregnant mommy really need a rest. He's getting a little better a playing by himself quietly while I rest. Sometimes it goes better than others, sometimes it's really not resting for me at all :) 

One day he lined up all these cars by himself. He was so proud and just couldn't wait to show me.


One awesome day he was playing cars, planes, and tools in the living room. I could hear a constant chatter coming from him. I couldn't really tell what he was saying, but every once and a while I would catch something about "pizza planet" :) Toy Story... Later he asked me if we can go there. Funny. Since then I also hear him talking about "evil doctor porkchop". He likes the Toy Stories these days, can you tell?


One not so awesome day I was completely worn out from zumba and grocery shopping, but Bergen was not. We were laying on my bed to read stories. Except Bergen couldn't sit still. He kept jumping over books and pillows and wiggling around. I told him he had to lay still to rest or go to him room. He finally said he needed to go potty. Good I thought, maybe that will help him sit still. I was laying on my bed and he was then running around the room. Then our conversation went something like this:

M: Bergen, remember you said you need to go potty. Put that down and and go potty.
B: But it's not coming out yet.
M: Go potty! You go potty before it's coming out.
B: But it's not coming out.
M: It's a problem if it's coming out.
B: No, I don't have to.
M: One. Two.
B: Ah ah ok. (Goes to the toilet) You help me! I can't do it.
M: You can do it. You know how to get on the toilet by yourself.
B: No I can't do it. You help me!
M: One. Two.
B: Ahhh (and he gets on the toilet)
     Mommy I have to go poops. Close the door. It's gonna be stinky.
M: It's fine.
B: Close the door mommy!! It's gonna be really stinky in your bedroom! Close the door!!
M: Bergen! I don't want to get up.
B: (from the toilet) One! Two!
M: (laughing) Are you counting at me?
B: Three! Four! Five! Uggg!

I was dying! So funny. I had to immediately call Travis and tell him about it.


Helen said...

His cars are all facing the same direction, aren't they?
That is hilarious he was counting for you to do what he thought you were supposed to be doing!

cynthia said...

I hadn't even taken note of that before, but yes, the cars are all facing the same direction.

This week he told me to run fast (I wasn't keeping up with him on his bike fast enough). When I told him I couldn't run he said if I didn't do it faster I would loose my chance. Another one of my tactics turned on me!