Monday, December 21, 2009

Haircut #2

Why oh why did we do it? That's what I keep asking myself as I look at Bergen who doesn't look quite the same to me anymore. Then I remind myself that we did it because the poor kid was always rubbing his eyes because his hair was in them. I think I will like it better in about 2 weeks. Let me just say, cutting hair on such a wiggle worm it no easy task!

Working around his thin spots in the back also created a bit of a challenge.
Oh my little boy is growing SO fast!


The "D.C." O's said...

Before pic - SOO CUTE!
After pics - :( but it looks good.
He isn't supposed to grow while we aren't around. Heeee's doing it.

Kiera said...

His haircut makes him look older. He is such a cutie!

Debbie said...

He's got such a nice crop of hair! I think he looks adorable either way.