Friday, July 18, 2008

A Change of Scenery

That brings me to our next life event...a new place to live. In January we found this cute little house in Keller, and in one month we were moving into it. Our relator was not our favorite, don't get me started, but when all was said and done, she got us the house. It was sad to say goodbye to our apartment in the ghetto, the numerous species of bugs, the late night relationship disputes in the parking lot and on the other side of our wall, and crazy congestedtraffic. Oh wait, those might of been the things we were glad to say goodbye to...yes, yes, that's right. Goodbye!

The house was a foreclosure that had been built a year ago but no one had ever lived in it. My dad came to help us move and spent his entire 10 days here doing finishing work on the house!Thank you dad! We would still be painting trim if you hadn't been here. I have a lot of fun pictures of us three working on the house. Someday: get a little scrapbook put together of that.Today: finish catching up.


Stephanie Walton said...

Ahhh!! I know that sweet home@!

littleREEDwriting said...

You're both GREAT soccer players!! Had fun yesterday too at bookclub!!

EricB said...

Who did your mailbox? It looks great. Eric

Jennifer said...

Cute house Cyn! How exciting for you guys!