Friday, July 18, 2008

Mountain Family

I'm going to call Travis's side the mountain family since he's from Utah. Funny thing is, three (and it had been four for a while) out of the five kids live in Texas now. "Go figure!" says his parents. Well, 4th of July means a week in Park City for the Linton family. This year was no different. Thanks to Travis's parents for organizing and providing, we all had at least a couple of days to boat, to play, and make memories together. And in case anyone wants to know...the Alpine Slide is fun, the Roller Coaster is fun-er, and the Roller Coaster with two passengers is the fun-est!
Everyone always loves boating at Jordanelle. And after years of no success, the boat driver was finally able to dump six year old Cam off the inter tubes. We were beginning to think it would never happen :)

The day at Park City Resort. I love Travis's sister Lindi in the first photo...she thinks she is going to crash into me...I think she did too. What?!? I had to stop my little coater car to get an action shot.

I've been running for a while now, and was offered to do the Freedom Festival 10k in Provo with my cousin, Ashlee. Like she was inviting me to do something fun...oh sure. Since when is running just over six miles ever fun? Once I got to Utah, Travis's dad drug me over the hills of Bountiful on a 4.5 mile run, and I didn't die so I thought why not? It actually turned out to be really fun and I'd even do another. 

We watched fireworks from a field of tall weeds and rocks next to our condo in Park City. I may have helped picked that location, but I just can't quite remember if it was me or Lindi :) Travis had to work that day, but saw a few shows from the air. He said it was very cool!

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