Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January Wrap Up: Makeup - Rice - BIG Mess

This should probably be 3 separate posts, but the pics are already here so we'll just go with it.

Sorry future Bergen, yes your mom let you put on makeup just this one time. In my defense, you did it to yourself. It's not like I sat you up and gave you a makeover :) Ok, yes Bergen has makeup on. Naturally he's very interested in my makeup bag and it's a regular occurrence to keep him out. Well this particular morning I just let it go. He sat on the counter while I was getting ready and instead of encouraging him to play with the toothbrushes and floss I let him do his thing. He followed what I was doing very well. I finished using something, dropped it in the bag, he pulled it out, and copied what I had just done. I wish I had a video of him trying to curl his eyelashes. Now that was some funny scrunched up faces :) Voila! This is his transformation. Eyeshadow, liner, and blush. Can you tell he's very right handed :)
What do you think? Considering, it could've been a lot worse!

Brilliant idea I had! Ok maybe I read it somewhere, I can't remember. It's like a mini indoor sandbox. Some rice, some utensils, a cup, and some toys to burry. It was a very entertaining 45 minutes! I was even having fun. And then he figured out throwing handfuls of rice off the table was slightly more fun. Bummer :) It was good while it lasted. After cleaning up a blanket of rice on the kitchen floor I discovered it was probably less than 1/3 of a cup that we lost...but 1/3 of a cup sure can cover a lot of area!

BIG Mess
Bergen was having a snack when I got a phone call. I was talking where I could see his head, but I never seemed to notice what his hands were doing. It must have been an intense call, except I forgot what it was all about once I saw this. All the goldfish crushed and scatted on the floor. He was trying to get them into the trash can, right? I'll go with that one :) And even though this NutraGrain bar was on the table, he managed to reach it and mush every last piece of it between his fingers. Oh Buggy! You silly boy! Of the handful of words he says, mess is one of them. I wonder why...or do I? :)


Karin said...

I'm in love with him, he is so stinking cute. I'm going to steal your rice idea- too cute.

Dawn said...

Your such a fun Mom! Keep writing things down and then share them when he grows up! Amanda Mikes wife has her blog printed each year like a book!