When Travis isn't flying, one of his favorite hobbies is flying...remote control planes. He's always trying to get others into it because "it's just so much fun!" He can spend hours and hours building and rebuilding these things. He's got six of them hanging up in his room right now! It's been a few months since we've had any wrecks. I think we may be into some kind of record. Knock on wood!
Since Travis has Six do you think he would let me borrow one so I can see how fun it is too. :)
Since Travis has five do you think he would let me borrow one so I can see how fun it is too?:)
Ha ha, that's funny! Maybe they could be checked out like a library book or something :)
found you!
I guess Brant would need to plan a trip to visit you guys so he can "check out" one of Travis' planes. This is the first I am hearing of it. When is your roommate reunion?
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