Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Whole Lot of Mischief For One Day

So yeah, I can not for the life of me feel like I can get caught up on life these days. It would really help if Bergen could do some playing on his own, but he doesn't. If I'm not entertaining him he might be helping me, but really he's probably into mischief. For example...

While I was in the shower the other day Bergen painted his toe nails. And in the process he got his shirt. And his shorts. And the couch. And the coffee table. And the carpet. And the tile. He thought I would like it. Cause it's pretty like mine. Hard to be mad over his sweet intentions. Still working on his clothes and the carpet, but I did get it off the rest of the things.

And later that same day during "quiet time", which really isn't quiet nor is it restful for Bergen or me...

 "Foot prints" with ink pads. All by himself. Add this to the things to get out of the carpet. Seriously a good thing he is so cute, otherwise...who knows! Bergen is definitely the one who needs things of me and is my challenge right now.

Anyone seen Ramona and Beezus? Well Bergen has. And I discovered one day he had squeezed a bunch of toothpaste into the sink. I guess he didn't get the part about that being naughty from the movie :) I thought about scraping it into a baggie and making him use it, but then I thought of all the germs in my not cleaned often enough sinks and decided against it. Lucky kid!

It happened! :) Bergen often asks to be the one to feed Owen. Except Bergen says Owen is not eating, he is drinking. And thus began the word "drinky" at our house. Owen gets drinky and Bergen is no longer ever thirsty, he's just drinky. It's kind of silly and cute at the same time. I have a feeling this one may stick around for a while.

Owen is still such a good little guy! He's sleeping really well at night and doesn't require a lot of maintenance during the day. Owen is super smiley now and starting to make little excited noises and trying to laugh. He's growing out of clothes like crazy! 


Helen said...

My boys say drinky too but that is just because Joshua (I think) couldn't come up with thirsty when he wanted a drink. I think drinky makes more sense any way. Such cute chubby sleeping cheeks! Or maybe it is his lips, or chin...

Please Pass the Green said...

So is Bergen pretending to "feed" Owen in this picture? HA HA!! Oh how I love little kids!