Monday, March 18, 2013

Children's Opera and a Fountain

Spring break week we got to go to a children's opera in Ft. Worth. It was cute, but I wondered if Bergen was enjoying it. He kept telling me he had to go potty, but I didn't want to leave since the show wasn't even an hour and I hated to miss out on what we paid to see. Plus I was trying to feed Owen at that moment. After the show people could go to the stage and meet the actors. Bergen was not at all interested, nor did he want his picture taken. After we took a bathroom break Bergen was much happier and told me on his own he liked the cat. Phew! He did get something out of it. He was also much more willing to get a picture in the theatre. Walking back to the car we went past the museum, which has a water fountain. Bergen asked if we could have a picnic there. All I had was a couple packages of fruit snacks. So I said sure and we ate the fruit snacks for a picnic. Then he got brave and wanted to touch the water. I'm not sure why I thought this would end any differently, but what started out as touching the water turning into running through the water. Since we were going straight home I decided it wasn't a big deal and just let him go for it. He was soaked to the bone but hearing him yell back to me, "I'm having fun! I'm having fun mom!" was worth it all! Once he was cold enough we finished walking to the car where I stripped off his wet clothes. He rode home nakies with Owen's blanket wrapped around him. He wondered why I didn't have other clothes for him, but I don't think he minded since he had had so much fun. Note to self: next time we are going to be in that area...bring extra clothes. Just in case :)

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