Sunday, January 27, 2013

Owen at Home

Having Owen home has been so fun. He's such a mellow little guy, really easy to have around. Plus he mostly just sleeps a lot right now :) This first week of Owen's life Travis got to be home with us. Bergen and daddy spent lots of time working on projects and playing together while I was busy with Owen.

Owen is such a snuggle bug!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Now A Family of FOUR

It's amazing how different the same experience can be. I feel like I actually got to enjoy being a new mom this time. Things were not hectic, in fact I would say everything just seemed more simple and much easier this time around. I don't remember an ounce of down time with Bergen, and with Owen there was a fair amount of time I was pretty bored. I was able to move with ease, felt good, took a shower, and wasn't really worried about anything. I know the blessing Travis gave me before hand really helped me to not stress over things and enjoy the moment.

Granted we like and know how to use the camera we have now better than what we had with Bergen, but I really think these pictures give a good feeling of the fun and enjoyment we experienced in the hospital.

Holding Owen for the first time just minutes after he was born. 

Daddy holding Owen a few minutes after being born. 

Big brother Bergen holding Owen for the first time later in the day. 

"Ohhh, he's so cute." 

By now Owen has met his whole family... 

Making us one happy family of FOUR! 

Bergen was such a good trooper in the hospital! He spent Monday afternoon and evening, all day Tuesday, and Wednesday morning until we came home there with us. I had packed some quiet activities for Bergen to do while we were there. For example books, coloring, color matching items, stickers, threading buttons...While he did do some of those things a tiny bit, movies really were more exciting :) During the hospital quiet hours each afternoon he and Travis took a trip to the pet store, a quick stop at Daddy's work, QT for slushes and donuts, and a few stores to wonder around killing time. Such big days for a little guy! Both nights he fell asleep in the car moments after leaving.

Before heading home Wednesday morning we had fun taking a bunch of pictures together. Bergen says, "he's so soft." And we all know how much Bergen likes soft things! Love my two boys...TWO...ahhh! :)

Gotta have a good mommy and baby picture. 

All this picture taking, Bergen needed a turn. So we have some silly ones courtesy Bergen cam!

 What do you think? Is he excited to get Owen ready to go home or what?!?!

Daddy and Bergen got Owen all ready and bundled up for the journey home. 

"Ohhh, he's so cute. Hi bebe broder! I just really wove him." 

Making sure he doesn't have crazy hair for his first appearance outside the hospital. 

Strapped in and ready to go. 

Seriously so cute! 

All ready to go and super excited! 

On the drive home Bergen would periodically tell Owen things or tell us he was still sleeping. A few miles from home we heard Bergen tell him we were almost there. Then as we were pulling into the driveway we hear Bergen say to Owen, "Home sweet home. What's mine is yours." It was so funny to Travis and I, and incredibly sweet. But thinking about it now it makes me a little teary eyed just how very sweet it really was. These two really are going to be "best friends ever" as Bergen puts it.

Owen Bennett Linton & The Delivery Story

How Owen got here...

Sunday night Bergen got to sleep at the Teemant's house so we wouldn't have to wake and drop him off so early. It was Bergen's first night without either mom or dad. I of course was concerned how he would do, but turns out he did great.

Monday morning nice and early we got up and got ready to go to the hospital. Nothing like taking a picture of yourself on the morning of delivery. I didn't want to but knew I would regret it later if I didn't. So here it is. 39 weeks and 4 days and ready to not be pregnant anymore!

Do I have to do this?!? :( 
(That's totally a fake smile!)

We got to the Baylor Grapevine hospital just after 7am. I was dreading every step, but once I passed a step I thought, ok I did it...but I REALLY don't want to do the next one. Lucky for me things went at a good pace and there were no complications. The doctor broke my water around 8:30am. An hour or so after that I got the epidural, which went in smoothly unlike my first experience. At 11:00am the nurse checked me and since I hadn't made too much progress from where I started, she decided to up the pitocin a little. I was trying to relax as best as possible and catch a little sleep. Feeling a little in and out of half sleep, I woke with a start at 11:30am. Uhhhh. Things felt very different! With the contractions I suddenly felt like I wanted to squeeze things in...probably should tell the nurse! I sent Travis out so tell somebody, anybody. So a few more of those, which we making me very nervous, the nurse came and said yup, I was complete. That didn't take long. She called the doctor and starting getting everything ready. I started pushing with one or two of the contractions while the doctor finished getting ready. Only 27 minutes and about 5 rounds of pushing, Owen was out! Born at 12:14pm. Tiny little cries and a few squeaks is all the noise he made. Travis cut the cord and I got to hold him after the nurse wrapped him up.

Even with the epidural I could feel a lot more than I could the first time, like that I was actually having a contraction, and felt the baby coming out. It was definitely uncomfortable, kind of painful, but not unbearable that I couldn't keep my cool. I love my doctor, Dr. Michael White, and his calming personality. Even though things were moving quickly it never felt crazy or that there was any kind of panic.

Owen Bennett Linton
January 14, 2013
8lbs. 7oz.
20 inches long

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


This last week was Bergen's first time in Sunbeams! Can you believe he's old enough for Primary now?!

On Saturday the Primary had a meet the teacher breakfast activity. As we were getting ready to go, Bergen really wanted to wear his Sunday clothes. I had to explain it was at the church but not actual church and he really could just wear his regular clothes. At the activity they got to sit at a table with their class and teacher, eat breakfast, make a craft, and then went into their classrooms to play a little game. Bergen said they threw a bean bag to each other and it was really fun. He did great with the going off on his own to his class. I didn't expect anything different though. When we were leaving he said, " but we didn't sing." Singing time :) I had to tell him that would be on Sunday.

Sunday Travis took him into the big Primary room and he sat on the front row. I was passing the RS newsletter out to teachers during Sunday School so I peeked on him a few times. I was happy to see him sitting in his chair still (at least when I saw). When I peeked at him in his classroom I saw him with his arms folded and eyes scrunched tightly shut. Afterwards his teacher (who also happens to be our good friend) said it went well so that's good. I was thrilled that Bergen was able to give us details about his lesson. That never happen in Nursery, even when I was his teacher, but he was younger than too. He told us about doing the bean bag again, a "BERRY special" box with a mirror in it, he got an I am a child of God crown to wear, and talked about having to be "reverence" to get a snack. And the next day he told me about being a king with his crown.

He was so excited for Sunbeams and was super happy after class. But he was not thrilled that I wanted to take his picture.

He finally agreed if he got to take a picture of me too :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Getting Ready for "Bebe Broder"

With baby brother about a week or so away, we finally put together the crib. Bergen was excited to build bebe broder's bed and was a pretty good helper. He's so excited! He wanted it in his room :) Soon enough we told him.

 Of course he had to test it out when it was all together. And I called that he would want to sleep in there. Sure enough at bedtime he said, "I just want to sleep in bebe broder's bed." So he did. All night. He thought it was pretty cool! Once brother is in it I'm wondering if it will be tricky to keep Bergen out of it. As long as he doesn't squish him, I guess it will be good bonding time :)
This is the dresser Travis (and Bergen) built for brother. It matches the one we did a while ago for Bergen.
 I had lots of ideas, but didn't actually do much sewing or any new projects for brother. I did however manage to make a new bumper cover and blanket for him. I really like how they turned out!
 And last minute I got crazy and decided to make these match burp clothes with the leftover fabric.
 I love the bag I used when Bergen was a baby, but it's seen better days. I wanted to use it as a pattern to make a new one, but that never happened. So again last minute I wanted a little something new to use and made this diapey wipey bag. And at almost midnight one evening I quickly make a matching changing cloth to throw in the diaper bag with it. 
I'm really good with the one day projects! Anything bigger than than usually ends up taking me weeks, months, ok even years sometimes :)