We had high hopes of taking a family vacation during Travis's week off work this year, but didn't plan as far in advance as we should've (surprise surprise), so we ended up with a fun little mini vacation to The Great Wolf Lodge. We stayed there two nights. Since it's only about 20 minutes from home, it almost didn't feel like a real vacation because we didn't have all the stress and time that usually happen during the traveling part of vacations. When I talked to Travis about this he said, "yeah, kind of nice huh?!" And actually, yes it was :)
Bergen and I after the first afternoon of swimming, ready for dinner.

I always forget just how incredibly hard it is to get Bergen to go to sleep in a hotel room! He's cute once he finally crosses over into dreamland :) I took my chance of turning the light on just so I could get a picture.

Bergen climbed in here him self. Fits pretty well! Hmm, maybe next time we could zip him up in here to sleep. Joking! Obviously. Kind of. But it does sound kind of nice :)

At night there was a story time for the kids. We got to color these huge pictures while we waited for it to start.

After stories everyone got a turn to take a picture with this cute little, or should I say huge, wolf. This was about as close as Bergen wanted to get.

We were there just before Halloween so Bergen got to do some trick or treating at the shops and restaurants inside the lodge. The Banhans joined us for the second day, and they too got dressed up for candy.

The best part...eating the candy...of course!

Bergen wouldn't wear his trunk that day so I wore it for him. Didn't want it to go to waste!

The biggest part of this place is the indoor water park, and that it's a comfortable 80 something degrees year round. But having just survived a scorching Texas summer, all three of us found it to be a little chilly. Despite the cool temps, we had lots of fun. With the Banhams there with us the second and third days, we got to take lots of turns riding the big slides while others played with the kids.

Bergen liked to squirt water from these jet skis, but he did NOT like the little slides. There were two of them and we sent him down each one once. He refused to do any more than that. The second slide twisted some and by the bottom he had slid around to going head first. I was at the bottom to catch him before falling into the water, but he was still pretty scared. Looking back we should've prepped him a little better before shoving him down the slide. It's not like he doesn't know how to ride a slide, but these are slippery! We probably should've had him lay on his back, feet first to begin with. Note to self for next time!
Bergen was pretty mellow most of the time. I was a little surprised he didn't want to play on the toys more than he did, but then again maybe he was just too cold.

View from the top of the slides:
Wave pool

Lazy River

Log crossing, snake, beaver, and basketball. Bergen did enjoy throwing balls at the basketball hoops, but would not sit on the snake.

I should've gotten this sooner, because by this time Bergen was pretty much done swimming and not so interested.
One of Travis's slide rides.
It was so much fun to be our little family, and spend some time with friends too. Sometimes it's nice to just get away from all our "have to's" and focus on each other!