Not sure what I've been doing lately, but it sure isn't blogging. Maybe I've been busy getting ready for Christmas...yes, let's go with that. Now that Christmas has past maybe I can get caught up in time for the new year :)
We went to Virginia the very end of October and got to stay the first half of November. It was so much fun visiting the Olivers! The best part about being there so long was that we got lots of days to go out, to see sights in DC, and to play. We also got days to stay home and just be us. It took some time, but the boys all got to be their true selves. And even though they are still learning to share and take turns ;), I think it's safe to say they really enjoyed being together! Despite living so far away from each other, I hope there are many more get togethers like this in the years to come.
Bergen, Joshua, and Nathan just hanging out.

All of us got to go to the Air and Space Museum. It was really cool to go up in the observation tower and watch the planes coming in to land.

There were LOTS of planes on display. I think Travis wishes he had a collection just like it...only remote control size.

I don't know why but it's just so cool to all take a bath together. I love each one of their expressions.

Oh yeah, this is why I don't do's just a little bit messy! But he loved it. At least the first time, second time around there was more throwing involved. Good thing Helen has that nice little vacuum!

Helen and I, and the boys took an outing to the Natural History Museum. There was lots of animals to look at, like this huge elephant.

There were lots of skeletons too. With so much to see, they boys needed a little climbing break.

And the BUTTERFLIES! This was the real reason we went. Bergen was pretty interested in the butterflies, but if I remember correctly he was also very interested in the fruit they had out for the butterflies to feed on. Helen even had a butterfly land on her head. He must have been pretty comfy there because he stay for a long time.

With 3 carseats we had to take 2 cars everywhere we went. One day we went to an outdoor mall but we got there in time for Helen to head back after a couple of stores to pick Brant up from work. Bergen and I stayed for a few more stores, which he wasn't too interested in, but he did really like this. What's not to love? It's something to drive!

Another one of our numerous attempts to take a picture of all of them.

Aunt Helen is SO COOL! Brant was on his way out for the weekend and I was bringing Travis back from the airport. Helen volunteered to keep the boys home and get them to bed on time. They got to make popcorn and watch a movie. Doesn't it just look like fun?! She even got them all to bed in record time (that is a whole other story...getting 3 boys to bed all in the same room can take hours, literally!)

The boys were good teachers AND learners.
Bergen: "Look Nathan! If you climb up here you can reach more stuff!"
Nathan: "Thanks for the tip! I think I can use that elsewhere too."

Nathan and Bergen playing with cars.

We also got to go to the Building Museum. We built this arch together. Joshua found the numbers we needed, Travis and I held up the sides as we went, and Helen was the stacker. It took us several tries until we put Bergen and Nathan in the big basket. We weren't trying to trap them, we just weren't ready for their demolition work yet (oh yeah, and we didn't want them to go swimming in the nearby fountain either). After pictures we let them push the arch down. It was a great idea except...yeah, Bergen got knocked over and buried under the rubble. He wasn't too happy about it. Apparently those blocks are kind of heavy.

The Building Museum also had a play area for the kids. Joshua and Nathan dressed up but Bergen wasn't in the mood.

When we would leave the condo, Joshua would run up the path squealing. It didn't take Bergen long to follow suit. We would be locking up the door and the boys would be half way up the hill yelling just as loud as could be. As much as Bergen likes to run, that was a perfect game. Sidewalks were also a fun place to run, but eventually we would have to get him across the parking lot and into the car.

When we were all together again we decided to spend the evening in Old Town Alexandria. We took a scenic route to Old Town. It was so fun to see more residential areas of DC and imagine how cool it would be to live there. And then we considered our budget and our backyard in Texas and decided we'd just keep dreaming for now *sigh*. Once in Old Town, we took pictures on the docks.

Danced in the gazebo. (Helen's air guitar is AWESOME!)

And rode the trolley up and down the street. We ended the evening with pizza and a satisfying feeling of getting out and doing something fun together!

Nathan and Bergen got haircuts together. What do you think, is he bored? Nathan got to feed himself yogurt to keep entertained. I guess I should've found something a little more exciting for Bergen. The haircut a month and a half after this he did get Smarties :)

Helen and I also got to take the boys to the National Zoo.

We really liked seeing all the animals, but I think the boys also really liked seeing those Veggie Straws go into their mouths. We went through a lot of straws! Pretty sure that's what Bergen is shoving in his mouth, and it looks like Nathan's got a cheek full, and Joshua is just trying to get out of there. If only for once they would all look at us and smile :)

Elephants are always a big hit!

These are my little laundry helpers. It's crazy to think Helen and I used to do this. We didn't try it but we probably wouldn't fit now. At least the kids can still have lots of fun together.

One of our last outings was to the Botanical Gardens. They had lots of fun kid activities that day. Bergen just wasn't quite old enough to appreciate them but he definitely enjoyed the strawberry smoothy sample!

There's lots of paths through the gardens, a perfect place guessed it. Running! Bergen ran up ahead of us and I didn't catch him in time to avoid touching a cactus. I had to pull a sticker out of his finger. Bergen also liked pulling the little boats they made, and splashing his hands in the little fountains.

Ten years ago, with a handful of college roommates who are now my lifelong friends, I made my first trip to our Nation's Capital. Since then my sister and her family moved there and I've gotten to go back and visit many times. There's just something special about it. One day while Helen and I were pushing the boys in strollers down the Mall we commented about how neat a place it is. You can't be there and not feel cool! I hope I get to visit many more times with my family and make good memories, have new experiences, and gain greater appreciations.

Thanks for letting us stay so long! Next time you can crash our place for half a month. Although some cows and tumble weed just isn't as exciting as the Nation's Capital :)