Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rediscovering The Jumper

I went through a couple boxes of our baby clothes today to see what we had and what we might still need for baby brother. In those boxes Bergen found the jumper. He wanted to try it and before I knew Travis had told him he was too big now, I had helped him climb in. Funniest. Thing. Ever! I couldn't stop laughing at first. It actually held him, and his jumping, and his swinging. He was having a blast and finally asked for a drink of water because he was working so hard :) It was fun for him to do and me to watch. I just hope he doesn't expect brother to use it quite the same way he least for a few years :)

We took Travis to the airport shortly after all his jumping. Granted he didn't take a nap today, but he was out only a few miles down the road. When we got home he was disappointed he didn't get to take daddy to work. I said he did, he was just asleep and when daddy got out of the car he gave him a hug and a kiss just like always. He kind of believed me.

1 comment:

Helen said...

I had the same thought of Bergen trying to get baby brother to swing and run like he was doing in the video. Which I pretty much laughed the entire way through.