Monday, October 28, 2013

Mr Fluffy Hair

This much hair on top makes for some fluffy hair after nap time. I thought it was picture worthy so I ran for the camera. Owen was not happy that I ran out and left him there. All smiles were gone and the tears began. He does not like to be left in his crib when we are out walking around.
 Bergen trying to cheer him up.

 Bergen is getting better at taking pictures. Some of his photos are quite impressive really. Like this one of a much happier Owen, now that he is out of the crib and getting a new diaper.
And this one of smiley Owen and mommy! Nice job photographer Bergen. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Bergen is getting so self sufficient...that is when he wants to be. For example, I got out of the shower to discover Bergen had fixed himself a snack. Vanilla ice cream and plenty of chocolate syrup to go with it. He didn't even make a mess dishing it up. I have to admit, that's my kind of snack, even if it is still early in the day.
Since I had the camera out I snapped a few pictures of Owen cause let's be honest, there isn't as many pictures of Owen as there are pictures of baby Bergen. And Owen has lots of cute expressions too so we better capture some of them while we can!

 My favorite little happy face!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Zoo Day

Owen got to experience the zoo for his first time. It's hard to say but I think he liked watching animals swimming in the water best. Or maybe those were the things we could get closest too and were the easiest things to see :) Either way he was a great little trooper the whole time. Bergen carried his map everywhere and frequently told the kids to follow him because he knew where to go. This trip Bergen was most looking forward to seeing a shark. We didn't cover the whole zoo this trip so moments before we went home Bergen, Owen, and I ran, literally, across the zoo just to see the shark. Once we had Bergen was content to go home. 

 (Blurry but this is how he walked with his map almost the entire time.)

On the way home Owen cried for a while instead of just falling asleep. The 2 year old sitting next to him in the van said to her mom, "the baby keeps crying!" Yes we know, we will be home soon. Shortly after that Owen stopped crying and we thought he finally gave in to sleep. When we got home I opened the back door and found this! Somebody gave baby a COO-kie! :) Haha! No wonder he had stopped crying! When it looks like this you just might as well let him finish it...and then give him a bath! So funny!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fire Station

In between a soccer game and Travis going to work we squeezed in going to the annual fire station festival. Train ride, a helicopter, decorate a tile, trinkets, and free lunch. What's not to love?!